Friday, March 1, 2019

Gift From the Sea One Page Analysis

Shemar Gordon
Professor Carme
IDS 3920
1 March 2019
One Page Analysis
            The pages I decided to analyze out of the book, “Gift From The Sea”, were pages 31-32. On these pages, the author expresses what it’s like to live not based on ideals of what modern society brings. The author is in her own “shell” and can do as she pleases. The author starts by stating that she wants a change in her life, the change she decides to make is living on the beach. Living on the beach to the author is much less stressful than modern life in America. You don’t have to appeal to modern society. You are in control of how you want things due to the isolation on the beach. The author starts off by lessening the amount of clothes she needs, she’s on the beach where she barely needs clothes. The author considers a suitcase full of clothing to be enough to satisfy her needs. Next the author goes about how she wants her shelter to be as empty as it can be. The less furniture and housing accessories the better. I chose this page because it’s interesting to see someone who actually wants to be away from modern society rather than blend within it. The author comes from a complicated lifestyle where she has a husband and five kids. This isolation from all of that gives the author more time to think, more time to focus on herself. This shelter is also referred to as her shell. This shell is considered to be the place where she feels more like herself and not what she needs to be to fit into society. She states that she only invites people into her shell that she can be honest with, so she can shed the hypocrisy in human relationships. I found this to be very interesting because regardless of what you deem to be your shell, humans are more themselves when they’re in their most comfortable spot or in their “shell”. The author is going out of her way to make sure she shed anything she deemed unnecessary, this house on the beach was truly her shell. Barely any furniture, clothing, isolated from society. It’s just a simplistic spot where the author can be herself the most without the burden of knowing people are watching your every step behind your back.

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